Deutsch: Drehscheibe / Español: Plataforma giratoria / Português: Mesa giratória / Français: Plateau tournant / Italiano: Tavola rotante

Turntable refers to a rotating platform or device used in various industrial applications to facilitate the movement, positioning, and processing of objects. In the industrial context, turntables are essential for improving efficiency and ergonomics in manufacturing, assembly, and material handling operations.

Deutsch: Rückverfolgbarkeit / Español: Trazabilidad / Português: Rastreabilidade / Français: Traçabilité / Italiano: Tracciabilità

Traceability refers to the ability to track and document the history, application, or location of an item by means of recorded identification. In the industrial context, traceability is crucial for quality control, regulatory compliance, supply chain management, and consumer safety.

Deutsch: Verlegung von Fliesen / Español: Alicatado / Português: Pisos e Azulejos / Français: Carrelage / Italiano: Piastrellatura

Tiling in the industrial context refers to the process of covering surfaces, such as floors, walls, and roofs, with tiles. This method is crucial in various industries for its durability, aesthetic appeal, and functionality, particularly in construction, manufacturing, and interior design.

Deutsch: Bauholz / Español: Madera / Português: Madeira / Français: Bois / Italiano: Legno

Timber is a term used to describe wood that has been processed into beams and planks, a stage in the process of wood production. It is a crucial material in the industrial context, particularly within the construction industry, where it is employed for various structural and non-structural applications.

Deutsch: Truthahn / Español: Pavo / Português: Peru / Français: Dinde / Italiano: Tacchino

Turkey in the industrial context refers to the production, processing, and distribution of turkey meat as a significant part of the poultry industry. This includes activities related to farming, slaughtering, processing, packaging, and selling turkey products to consumers and businesses.

Deutsch: Nachverfolgung / Español: Seguimiento / Português: Rastreamento / Français: Suivi / Italiano: Tracciamento

Tracking in the industrial context refers to the systematic monitoring and recording of the location, status, and movement of assets, products, or components throughout the production and supply chain. This process is crucial for ensuring operational efficiency, maintaining quality control, and improving transparency and accountability in industrial operations.

Deutsch: Therapie / Español: Terapia / Português: Terapia / Français: Thérapie / Italiano: Terapia

Therapy in the industrial and industry context can refer to various processes and treatments used to restore, maintain, or improve the functional capacity and efficiency of industrial systems and equipment. This might include methods to treat waste, rehabilitate machinery, or enhance process efficiency through technological and chemical treatments.

Deutsch: Tafelgeschirr / Español: Vajilla / Português: Louça de mesa / Français: Vaisselle / Italiano: Stoviglie

In the industrial or industry context, tableware refers to the items used for setting a table, serving food, and dining. This includes a variety of products such as plates, bowls, cups, and utensils that are manufactured, marketed, and used in both household and commercial settings.