Flat roof is an evenly or levelled protective covering that covers or forms the top of a building
Ref: 84691/2006-08-20

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
roof (Roof refers to a protective covering that covers. ..)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): flatness, roofer, roofs
In pottery industry, flatwares are dishes, plates, saucers and low bowls so as to distinguish them from hollow ware.
Ref: 123922/2006-10-03

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Ware (Ware ist der ganzheitliche Begriff f?r die Mittel ...)
Flaw detectors are non-destructive testing instruments that can detect or measure defects in raw materials or finished products.

Depending on the specific technique used, a wide variety of defects can be located such as surface cracks, subsurface flaws, pores / voids, internal corrosion, coating holidays, debonding, weld defects and packaging defects.
Ref: 123867/2006-09-26

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): flaws
Flexible-fuel vehicle is characterized as a vehicle with the ability to operate on alternative fuels, 100 % traditional fuels, or a mixture of alternative fuel and traditional fuel..
Ref: 120993/2006-10-08

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Vehicle (Vehicle revolves around every device in, upon, or ...)
Character (Character refers to a letter, digit or other ...)
Fuel (Fuel refers to a substance that can be ...)
Brennstoff (Fl?ssiges, festes oder gasf?rmiges Produkt zur ...)

Flexible machining center is described as automated machining equipment that can be rapidly reprogrammed to accommodate small-lot production of a variety of product or component configurations.
Ref: 120967/2006-10-08

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Machining (Machining revolves around the group of processes ...)
center (The US-amarican term for "centre" (UK-English))

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): flexibles
Flexible manufacturing? the development of products for industrial automation, including robots, numerically controlled machine tools, and automated guided vehicles, that permit greater flexibility in the manufacturing process and reduce human intervention.
Ref: 123912/2006-10-03

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Development (Development means the carrying out of building, ...)
Development (Development refers to the systematic and ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): flexibles, Manufactoring, Manufaktur
Flexible polyurethane foam (FPF) is described as synthetic foam used in all upholstered furniture. The higher the density of the FPF, the more durable the cushion.
Ref: 122623/2006-10-11

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
FPF (FPF is the acronym of flexible polyurethane foam.)
Flexible polyurethane foam (Flexible polyurethane foam is characterized as ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): flexibles, Foams