Fermented milks (plain) (01.2.1) - Includes all plain products, including fluid fermented milk, acidified milk and cultured milk. Plain yoghurt, which does not contain flavours or colours, may be found in one of the sub-categories of 01.2.1 depending on whether it is heat-treated after fermentation or not.
- 87306/2006-09-18

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Milk (Milk (plain) ( - Fluid milk obtained ...)
Festoon bulb is a type of xenon light bulb which have a unique shape and are usually a low-voltage bulb. They come in frosted or clear glass.

If using festoon lamps for task lighting or indirect lighting -under cabinets and shelves, over cabinets, or inside cabinets, frosted lamps are best.
Ref: 122556/2006-10-10

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Xenon light bulb (Xenon light bulb is described as light bulb which ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Bulbs, bulbs
Fiber cable refers to a generic term used for both plastic and glass fiber optic cables. There are numerous types of fiber cables with varying characteristics. Fiber optic cabling is used for high-speed communications in many areas with very high-speed communications requirements.
Ref: 123310/2006-09-27

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Cable (Cable is characterized as thick heavy rope that ...)
Generic (Generic refers to a drug not protected by a ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): fibers, cables
A warehouse on the property of the owner of the goods that stores the goods that are under the custody of a bona fide public warehouse manager. The public warehouse receipt is used as collateral for a loan.
Ref: 84782/2006-08-24

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Ware (Ware ist der ganzheitliche Begriff f?r die Mittel ...)
Warehouse (Warehouse makes reference to a place where goods ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Warehouses
Filament (electron tube) is described as hot cathode, usually in the form of a wire or ribbon, to which heat may be supplied by passing current through it. This filament is also known as a filamentary cathode.
Ref: 123303/2006-09-26

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Cathode (Cathode The electrode in an electrochemical cell. ..)
Filament (Filament is defined as a thin tungsten wire that ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Filamenten, filaments, electrons
Filigree is described as a metalworking technique that creates intricate scroll and curlicue patterns. This is often used to make decorative necklace and bracelet clasps and nowadays many jewelry makers still use this technique in the jewelry which they produce.

Moreover, it is a type of overlay made up from wires into elaborate patterns (floral, spider-web, etc.) which was a very popular decoration on more expensive pens up through 1920.
Ref: 123340/2006-10-01

Fill point is characterized as the level to which a container must be filled to furnish designated quantity of contents.
Ref: 123402/2006-10-06

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): filler, fillers, Pointe, Pointers, Points
Filter presses are sometimes referred to as plate and frame filters. Filter presses are used for separating solids from liquids, so that the separated material can be packaged or processed. They are used in the chemical, food and pharmaceutical industries to separate solids from liquid-solid suspensions or slurries and it other various industries.
Ref: 123876/2006-09-30

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Press (Press denotes a machine having a stationary bed ...)
Filter (Der oder das Filter stellt im umwelttechnischen ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): Filtern, Filters