Windsor chair pertains to a chair form based on a solid wood seat, with independent leg and back support systems. Plenty of chairs with windsor design were manufactured one after the other, these are bow-back windsor, comb-back windsor, etc.
Ref: 122508/2006-10-02

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Stick windsor (Stick windsor refers to a simple windsor chair, ...)
Chair (Chair is also known as seat is defined as a ...)
Bow (Bow is described as the front of the boat.)
Comb-back windsor (Comb-back windsor (high-back Windsor) pertains to ...)
Comb (Comb bind means to plastic comb bind by inserting ...)

Wheeled duffel bags refer to large rolling, open luggage or sports bag, with few or no interior compartments.
Ref: 86469/2006-09-14

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Wheel (Wheel refers to the round metal structure that ...)
Worsted yarn is a type or kind of yarn which are made from long fibers of 3 to 6 inches, combed to lie parallel to each other, producing a smooth, clean look. They are usually fine, tightly twisted ply yarns.
Ref: 120856/2006-10-02

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Yarn (Yarn is a long continuous length of interlocked ...)
Worsted (Worsted pertains to a system of processing that ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): yarns
Worm-hole is described as an elongated or tubular cavity formed entrapped gas during the solidification of molten metal
Ref: 122861/2006-10-12

Working voltage is described as the typical voltage or range of voltage of a battery during discharge. It is also called operating voltage or running voltage.
Ref: 120817/2006-09-21

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Typical (A Typical is not a specific individual or even ...)
Volt (Ma?einheit f?r die elektrische Spannung, (Abk. V))

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): workings, voltages
Wheeled garment bag refers to a bag that holds suits, dresses, gowns, shirts, etc. using a hanging system. May be used rolling or carried.
Ref: 86471/2006-09-14

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Wheel (Wheel refers to the round metal structure that ...)
Garment (Garment refers to a piece of clothing)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): garments, Garments, bags
Warrington hammer is sometimes called joiners or Cross pein. These are hammers for driving nails or pins. The cross pein is used to start the nail or pin , then the hammer is reversed to use the flat head to drive it home.
Ref: 124385/2006-10-27

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Hammer (Hammer refers to an instrument for driving nails ...)
Welding technique pertains to the manner is which the operator manipulates an electrode, a blowpipe or a similar appliance.
Ref: 122704/2006-09-22

Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Blowpipe (Blowpipe refers to a device for mixing and ...)
Welding (Welding represents the joining of two workpieces ...)

Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): techniques