Glossary L
Deutsch: Toilette / Español: Lavabo / Português: Lavabo / Français: Toilettes / Italiano: Bagno
Lavatory refers to a facility equipped for personal hygiene and sanitation, commonly known as a restroom or bathroom. In the industrial context, lavatories are essential for maintaining worker health, hygiene, and comfort, contributing to overall workplace safety and efficiency.
Deutsch: Webstuhl / Español: telar / Português: tear / Français: métier à tisser / Italiano: telaio
A loom is a device used to weave cloth and tapestry. The basic purpose of a loom is to hold the warp threads under tension to facilitate the interweaving of the weft threads. It is a fundamental tool in the textile industry, enabling the mass production of fabrics.
Deutsch: Verbindung / Español: Vinculación / Português: Ligação / Français: Liaison / Italiano: Collegamento
Linkage in the industrial context refers to the connections and interactions between various components, processes, or systems within an industry. This term encompasses both the physical connections, such as mechanical linkages in machinery, and the organizational connections, like supply chain linkages between different companies.
Deutsch: Bibliothek / Español: Biblioteca / Português: Biblioteca / Français: Bibliothèque / Italiano: Biblioteca
Library in the industrial context refers to a systematically organized collection of resources, including data, software, design documents, and reference materials, which are used for research, development, and operational purposes.
Deutsch: Schmierstoff / Español: Lubricante / Português: Lubrificante / Français: Lubrifiant / Italiano: Lubrificante
Lubricant in the industrial and industry context refers to substances used to reduce friction between surfaces in mutual contact, which ultimately reduces the heat generated when the surfaces move. Lubricants are critical in various industrial applications to ensure machinery operates efficiently and to prevent wear and tear that could lead to premature failure.
Deutsch: Flüssigkristall / Español: Cristal líquido / Português: Cristal líquido / Français: Cristal liquide / Italiano: Cristallo liquido
Liquid crystal in the industrial and industry context refers to a state of matter that has properties between those of conventional liquids and those of solid crystals. For instance, a liquid crystal may flow like a liquid, but its molecules may be oriented in a crystal-like way. These materials are crucial in a variety of applications, particularly in the display technology used in watches, televisions, and computer monitors.
Deutsch: Laborinstrument / Español: Instrumento de laboratorio / Português: Instrumento de laboratório / Français: Instrument de laboratoire / Italiano: Strumento di laboratorio
A laboratory instrument in the industrial and industry context refers to specialized equipment or tools used in a laboratory setting to conduct scientific experiments, measurements, and procedures that are crucial for research, quality control, and production in various industrial sectors.
Deutsch: Leck / Español: Fuga / Português: Vazamento / Français: Fuite / Italiano: Perdita
A leak in the industrial and industry context refers to the unintended escape of liquids, gases, or other substances from a containment system, such as pipelines, tanks, or other vessels. Leaks can occur due to flaws in material integrity, joint failures, corrosion, or damage, and pose significant safety, environmental, and economic risks.