Glossary B
Deutsch: Biodiversität / Español: Biodiversidad / Português: Biodiversidade / Français: Biodiversitê / Italiano: Biodiversità
Biodiversity in the industrial and industry context refers to the variety and abundance of living organisms, including animals, plants, fungi, and microorganisms, within a specific ecosystem or geographical area. It encompasses the diversity of species, genetic variation within those species, and the intricate interactions and ecosystems that support life on Earth. Biodiversity plays a crucial role in various industries and sectors, influencing everything from agriculture and pharmaceuticals to tourism and conservation efforts.
Butter milk powder refers to a natural dairy product derived by spray-drying buttermilk.
Other Database Pages Exist for this Phrase:
Milk (Milk (plain) ( - Fluid milk obtained ...)
Alternative Spellings (Synonyms): milks, powders
Deutsch: Butterblume / Español: Ranúnculo / Português: Ranúnculo / Français: Renoncule / Italiano: Ranuncolo /
Buttercup refers to a common yellow flower (Ranunculus) generally found in wetter parts of the farm. It is common on undrained permanent pasture where it can become invasive.
Deutsch: Benzaldehyd / Español: Benzaldehído / Português: Benzaldeído / Français: Benzaldêhyde / Italiano: Benzaldeide
Benzaldehyde is a versatile aromatic aldehyde that finds numerous applications in the chemical and industrial sectors. This article explores the role of benzaldehyde, its many examples of use, associated risks, application areas, and offers recommendations for safe handling. Additionally, it provides insights into the history and legal considerations surrounding benzaldehyde and highlights related compounds.